The Concept


We have installed the heating system in over 200 apartments, houses and commercial buildings

Choosing a heating system is not a decision to be taken lightly. It is not daily that one makes such an important decision as to which heating system to buy or construct. Building a home is truly making a dream come true. If you do not wish to have your dream turn into a nightmare, it is very crucial to choose the right heating system, that is Eco friendly, Economic and healthy for the family, and is best to get right advice from experienced professionals and compare the Health and Economic aspects before making such an important decision.

Ultimate Ecological Heating Solution


A team of highly qualified scientists invented this technology 30 years ago

and have perfected this know-how each year since its invention, thus reducing the installation costs, consumption of electricity and increasing the efficiency of the power. We have installed the heating system in over 200 apartments, houses and commercial buildings, and have a proud reputation of no complaints or maintenance required since installation of the heating system.

State of the Art Technology

The heating system in every house is custom designed and made to cater to your needs.

Our state of the art technology ensures that our products are exceptionally energy efficient and durable. You will never need maintenance after installation. Our company’s reputation has been built on customer satisfaction, year in and year out. We do absolutely everything within our power to ensure that the home you heat lives up to your expectation in every way imaginable. We do not have any unpleasant surprises nor unsatisfied customers. The heating system in every house is custom designed and made to cater to your needs. Economic for every budget without sacrificing quality, maximum safety and comfort for you and your family. LET GREEN OAK HOMES REALIZE AND WARM YOUR DREAM HOME.


Interior online service

Contemporary homes interiors

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Beautifull natural materials

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Relaxed approach to living

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Subtle colors with accents

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